Thursday, September 22, 2011

a kind of regret

live is like a pathway
and the roadsl always diverge.

once we took a road
that time we lost a road.
another road
that we've been thinking
what is the path
and the last.

and the other road
that we're walking
to the path
and the last
that we can never imagine.

something that i guess, and i regret..

*aku tulis kat seseorang. taktaw betul tak. sambil fikir sambil tulis. huh~

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

sinis ii

Al-Imam Ibn al-Salah ( meninggal 643H) dalam kitabnya `Ulum al-Hadith: “Entah berapa ramai di kalangan ulama yang telah melangkah kaki mereka di dalam syurga sejak seratus atau dua ratus tahun yang lalu, sedangkan kamu menyebut dan mengumpat mereka”

*dipetik dari

Monday, September 12, 2011


It is written that Al-Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf once entered a city. There was an elder cleric whose prayers were widely believed to bring blessings. He asked the cleric to recite a prayer for him. The cleric prayed: "O God, take his life away!" Al-Ḥajjāj, startled, burst out: "Old man, what kind of prayer is this that you recite for me?!" The old man replied: "It is for your own good and the benefit of the people."

Wallahu a'lam.